Ring Size Chart

When you are buying a ring it is important that you get the size right. There is nothing worse than giving someone a ring only to find it is too big or too small. There are two ways to measure ring size which depend on what you are measuring (in addition to our ring size…

Men’s Wedding Rings Don’t Have To Be Boring

When looking at men’s wedding rings people generally tend to go for the simple bands without much adornment. While these kinds of rings do offer a sort of understated sense of elegance they can also be seen as rather boring. Wedding rings come in a range of different styles and with many different designs. It…

A Guide to Ceramic Rings

A new trend which is gaining popularity is the use of ceramic rings in weddings and as gifts. Ceramic rings offer a range of benefits which sets them apart from the more conventional metal rings like gold and silver. Some of the benefits will include the affordable cost, strength and functionality of these rings. Ceramic…

Australian Ring Sizes

When looking to purchase rings in Australia it is important that you understand the ring sizes. The sizes used in Australia will differ from those used in America, Asia and parts of Europe. Of course, it is always best to know how the Australian rings sizes correspond with others for when you purchase from a…

Tungsten Carbide Rings

Tungsten carbide rings have become a popular gift for men and women. The used of tungsten has added material specific advantages to the rings but it is best to know as much as you can about the rings before you buy. Simply knowing the advantages of these rings is not enough as the characteristics need…

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